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熊本水前寺セレクトショプ「N.GREEN」 の中村みどりです。商品の品質には自信を持っています。そして、もしもの場合の補正、返品と交換にも対応いたします。『外に出て、着ていた服を褒められた』『外に出て行くのが楽しくなる』『自信が持てるようになった』『服の無駄買いがなくなった』『おしゃれが楽しくなった』そんなお客様が沢山増えるような店作りを目指しています。どうぞお気軽にご来店下さい。おひとりおひとりの個性にあったご提案をさせていただきます。N.GREEN-jb(エヌグリーンジャンボ) コンセプトは「足に優しく、人に優しい、靴を」MADE IN JAPANの靴○靴選びで失敗した経験がある○自分の足のトラブルを気にせず履きたい ○今よりは着心地の言い靴を探している○一日歩いても疲れない靴を○足がむくんでも痛くならない靴を○外反母趾、甲高、幅広に合う靴を探している○サイズがなくて困った経験があるこんな経験ありませんか?そんな声に限りなくお応え出来る靴の専門店ですIt is Midori Nakamura of Kumamoto Suizenji select Shopu "N.GREEN".The quality of the product will have a self-confidence. And, If correction in the case of, it will correspond to the returned goods and exchange."Out, it was praised the clothes was wearing.""It is fun to go out to the outside""Now confident""Waste buying clothes has disappeared.""Fashionable became fun."Such customers we aim to store building, such as a lot more. Please please do not hesitate to visit us. I will carry out your proposal was in the personality of you alone you alone.N.GREEN-jb (NTT Green jumbo)The concept is"Gently on foot, people-friendly, the shoes."MADE IN JAPAN shoesThere is a failed experience ○ in shoes to chooseI want ○ wear without worrying about the trouble of their feetLooking for the comfort of said shoes ○ than nowThe ○ day walk not tired shoesThe ○ foot is not swollen by also hurt shoes○ hallux valgus, are looking for high-pitched, a wider fit shoesThere is a troubled experience without the size ○You do not have this experience?It specializes in shoes that can meet as much as possible in such a voice